Moon Energy

Hit hard by the full moon energy? Here are some tips to move past that and be more prepared for the next full moon!

Full Moon

Did the September Full Moon hit you like a ton of bricks as it did me? I’ve been recovering for the past two weeks from that Full Moon in late September. The energy was just so strong and emotional. It’s been a hard two weeks for me. And the moon does not usually hit me that hard.  I was really surprised at my reaction to it.

What do you do when something happens that is pretty nebulous and you can’t really figure out what’s going on? When you’re emotional without a reason?

How can you minimize the negative impact of unfocussed energy?

One thing I do is mini-groundings that help me feel more connected to the earth.  It takes me just a minute or so.  The problem for me is being AWARE that I need to ground and center.  Sometimes when you’re caught up in the emotion, you aren’t aware of what you need.  My Fitbit watch has an alarm every hour to remind me to get up from my desk and move.  I’ve been using that buzz on my wrist to remind myself to stay grounded too.

Do you know how to ground yourself?

Here’s how I do it.  I visualize a cord or trunk coming from my root chakra down into the earth.  I feel it branching out and going deeper and deeper until it reaches the center of the earth.  I feel the stability of being so connected and then I send that energy back up through my body. When I’m done with that, I visualize energy from the divine coming through my crown chakra. For me, it’s like a bolt of white light coming down through my head and into my body.  Once I feel those energies locked together within my body, I know I am grounded and centered in the energy of the earth and Divine.

What else can you do to pull yourself out of the muddle of self pity?

Another thing that I do is to create an energetic bubble around me.  I fill that bubble with love and pink energy.  That helps me cope a little bit better!  I also make sure that when I make breakfast in the morning I infuse that loving energy into my coffee and morning granola.

How can you best take advantage of the Full Moon energy?

Being aware of the moon cycles is the most important thing you can do.  Set your intentions with the New Moon, and see it through with the Full Moon.

Be aware and take advantage of all the Divine is gifting to you!

What are some ways that you manage energy?  Let us know in the comments below.


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